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Hi everybody,

As those of you on discord or who follow my twitter channel will already know, I've unfortunately had to take a few months off from Innkeep development while resting my eyes. I've developed some neurological issues following serious eye strain (starting with playing that darn Elden ring back in Feb). It turns out that the root cause may be past head trauma weakening one of my eyes (perhaps when I hit my head on a rock at the beach as a child!) That combined with illness and too much screen time pushed my vision system too far. Following an initial examination of my eyeballs I ended up with pretty severe light sensitivity for weeks that left me hiding indoors in the dark. That's pretty much cleared up now, although I still am dealing with pattern sensitivity keeping me off the screen. I'm able to jump on for short periods (such as to write this post), but not long enough to do any real work, without risking discomfort.

This has been quite bad timing, as I was right about to launch into a final push to get the Innkeep demo done. ;-( It also means months without income, as I've been unable to work for this whole period (while also forking out quite a lot of money on medical expenses). 

So if you are willing and able, please do consider throwing me a few dollars! It would be a real help.


The good news is that I should be able to recover quite nicely with enough rest, and some (pretty expensive) special glasses. These are on their way in the next few weeks, after an initial delay when the first grinded pair of lenses was scraped due to failing quality tests.

I hope that by October I will be back to developing Innkeep again. The pace might initially be a little slow, as I don't want to overdo it, but we shall see.

Thank you all for your ongoing support and patience.

Oh, and check out Realms Deep 2022! Innkeep is part of the lineup. ;-)
