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Hi everybody! It's time for another dev diary. We are at number 17 and going strong. ;-9

Some neat stuff to check out (although I forgot to even draw attention to the new bar sprite). 

The work you can see in this video is really marking the line at which we begin to cross over into core gameloop mechanics.

Thank you all as always for your patient support. I'll be able to properly show off the results with respects to Togeirs art in the next video I think.   (IMO Number #18 is going to be fantastic. ;-)) 



Dev Diary #17 - Barrels of Fun

What's new? - Character animations! - Expanded shadows! - Fancy windows! - Beds! - Fancy sprite fonts! - Barrel carrying! https://www.innkeepgame.com https://twitter.com/DanielOBurke https://www.patreon.com/innkeep


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