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Hello Kinkynation!

I'm so excited and happy to announce the newest and most ambitious comic i've done yet!! The PINK THING!

This chonker will come with 51 pages, animations and more! 

Not only that this comic will be used to debut a new TIER! THE GOLDEN PANTY!  

This tier will include what I call the Interactive Comic! (IComic); more details on that in this post here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/new-tier-golden-99875847

But not to worry, there will be a  kinkyfique (without the interactive bits) for the $15 as well! 

Anyway I hope you're all excited for it cause this month is gonna be huuuuge! 

Between this new type of content, a pretty big comic AND my VTUBER (which may or may not be the starring Pink Thing) debut on the 31st there's a lot of stuff  incoming, and I can't wait to show you more!




I have never switched so fast, excited to see what's in store!!

Divinebackhand —

Wonder about all the different choices you’ll have. Can’t wait to see