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Yunaka's living her life to the fullest now, even though she struggles to be herself sometimes she can always rely on Alear to set her straight!

Even though he's way too enthusiastic (and horny) for his own good!

I hope you guys enjoy this month's comic! Yunaka was a blast to work with and I really had fun with Alear's dorky ass self as well, thank you so much for all your support, and onwards to July! 



Colonel Runesun

I’m curious, how are the characters chosen for these comics? They’re all drawn so well and with so much care to their personalities.


To some extent it’s because Kinky plays the games their from but the rest I can guess is her own head canon~🤔


Man, this was so good! Loved Alear’s and Yunaka’s expressions~🥰 The dialogue was so fun & intimate but the bit about dragons was so adorkable~😆 That it gave me all the dopamine I needed for the day~😄