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streaming with you guys is so much fun so I want to be able to have the best time and setting for the streams so vote when it's more convenient for you!

If none of the options work for you then let me know when it'll work for you, maybe I can do more than one stream for people in different places!



Can't really choose but weekends, work all weekdays


I assume all of those are pm times. (I'm european, so yeah we do the whole 24 hour clock thing) in that case none of them work since they are all in the middle of the night (6 to 8 pm is 1 to 3 am for me and 8 to 10 is 3 to 5 am for me)


I see,, so that'll mean if sometimes I were to do a earlier stream like around 11am CST it'll be around 6 PM for you, so that's doable, I think I can do some "earlier" stream from time to time so you can catch them


yup, sounds about right. likewise same thing goes for eliamour/bumpers. he is also european so he would probably also like those earlier streams.


True, but I don't mind a late one on Saturday night/Sunday morning.