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Welcome to the first alpha release of the new SexSim2 game.

As you might know, we've been commissioned to make this game, and the client has allowed us to share beta versions with you, our patrons. Because of this unique arrangement with our client, the alpha/beta versions can only be made available to our patrons.

The full version of the game will be out soon, but in the mean time, if you want to check out what we have so far and be part of the production, please consider being a patron. Every bit helps!

This first release is to test out the environment editor, currently set up for making island levels. You can make a really awesome island for your characters to play in. ViV and I (Giselle) have worked super hard on this so we hope you enjoy it. The versions with sexy erotic funtimes are coming very soon. ;)

~ Giselle and ViV



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