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Don't talk to me or my son until 300 reps again




We need that gut to be big

Haris Pilton

I predict that someone is going to get thinner and shredded while two friends are going to get fatter!

Haris Pilton

As if it was not obvious from the previous page with her doing the >:3 face.


She is definitely the person who took that picture of tessa at the mall.


ooh, we might get some MuscleGirl/FatGirl lesbian situations if that happens and I am HERE FOR IT.


My god- someone who wants a chubby girl to get THINNER? She really knows how to be hated by this audience!


This is also how I feel whenever there's a page with no Tessa Can't wait to see her personal training with Stacy, we all say how well that went with Aika!


Hmm what’s with gyms girl dislike for Saiya again? She still bit creeped by her that Ken time she was peaking on Tessa?


It's now very probable that Tania is the one who took the picture because she's the one who's had the most second hand involvement of Tessa losing weight so I'd chalk it to jealousy as to the motive of Tania for trying to ruin her popularity


Also with saiya doing the hard workouts after school daily she might slip up and let the hunger cravings take over and get herself a belly all of her own.


Is Tania possibly saiya’s old friend and just has hatred towards her for not remembering her


That girl is sus


I think aika is gonna shock us all and get washboard abs

Lil Will



I love how Saiya sims skinny but when go's for a work out suddenly she has a little belly ❤️


That's how it goes when you flex your abdomen and you're not entirely skinny. Happens with crunches, handstands, pull overs and much more. What you see is mostly muscle only covered in fat