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Hi, everyone! Long time no see~

I'm really sorry for this long absent because these past 2 weeks I was in home-isolation due to Covid  (Didn't had a chance to draw or use PC much because my mom will scold me and told me to rest only, I've a muscle ache and dry cough)

anyway thank you very much for your patient I'm back on track now but there's a lot of works in these past few weeks that I've to finish along with Poll artworks too

Ah! and here's preview for nsfw variations that will add in Reward box this month

//There's a tropical maid Miku 2022 too but that variations will available only in ZRstudio shop

Have a nice day everyone! ^^




He lives!

gainoob (edited)

Comment edits

2022-11-27 01:29:10 I'm alive~ d(>[]<)b , Thanks to 'Andrographis paniculata' herb AKA Fa-thalai-chon that grow a lot in my garden (its taste is super bitter though but really effective)
2022-07-12 08:20:12 I'm alive~ d(>[]<)b , Thanks to 'Andrographis paniculata' herb AKA Fa-thalai-chon that grow a lot in my garden (its taste is super bitter though but really effective)

I'm alive~ d(>[]<)b , Thanks to 'Andrographis paniculata' herb AKA Fa-thalai-chon that grow a lot in my garden (its taste is super bitter though but really effective)


Hope you feel 100 soon