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"You do know I'd have done this for free, right?"

In my office, Qrow raised an eyebrow across at me as one of my tentacles poured him out a drink and slid it over. He had taken to my original form surprisingly well, if not with a few off-color jokes at Tai's expense and as he sipped his drink, he froze and stared at it before I rumbled with amusement into his mind.

"Apple juice. I know you prefer to be more sloshed at this hour, but I require you more attentive and less drunk."

"You underestimate my multitasking powers." Qrow retorted, taking out his flask and letting out a childish whine as I tugged it from his fingers with a thought, staring at him as he sighed and spoke.

"It was five'o clock somewhere. Alright, lemme get this straight. So rather than pay for the kid's tickets to get to their destination, you'd rather have them travel on foot. Through dangerous, Grimm-infested territories and with the full knowledge Salem exists and will likely send her agents at them. Does that about sum it up?"

"Essentially, yes." There was no sugarcoating it, as I floated upwards and began to pace back and forth in midair. My hands clasped behind my back, my psionic senses not needed to know just how annoyed Qrow found the situation as I explained my reasoning.

"Ozpin always intended for your people to follow after in his war. This is known, and while his methods I deplore, I can see the logic of it. With that in mind, the best teacher for the children will be experience. I want them to learn. I want them to apply their knowledge to facing whatever comes, to meeting new people and to learn the lessons that book learning and shared experience can only go so far."

"A fan of the school of hard knocks? Softy like you?" Qrow replied as he kicked his feet up on my desk and almost fell to the floor, as I mentally dislodged him and continued.

"Indeed. Upon my world, we call such a thing the Adventuring lifestyle. Those who succeed end up becoming far greater for it, those who do not... Well, it is dangerous. That said, they go not only in numbers, but also I hope with you." I turned my head, explaining further.

"With Queen Bellinda's forces yet in Vale and my own.... History, I cannot move as I wish, lest I endanger the fragile peace accords we're working towards. I also have many enemies, most deserved who would see nothing but evil in all my actions. So my choice of agents is limited."

Qrow listened carefully, more interested now as he asked curiously. "I thought you had Torchwick on your payroll?"

"I do, but his skillset is less suited for the sort of wilderness survival slog such a journey the children will be undertaking." I replied as I added.

"I require him and Neo here, ensuring that Salem doesn't destabilize any of the talks being conducted. We still have no idea where Mercury Black and Emerald Sustri had fled, either one of which could have been snapped up by Salem's agents."

"And wasn't that a kick in the pants." Qrow muttered, his expression growing angry as he thought about the people in question. After everything, I had spared no thought to the timeline-it was shattered, gone entirely. So, the likes of Hazel, Dr. Watts and Tyrian had been revealed and from there, I trusted in the local infrastructure to ensure profiles for each. For some reason, I still couldn't scry for any of them, and I wondered if it was Salem's influence or maybe the Lower Planes again? Hell, it could be a rival to my power.

Jorgen's appearance had almost been my downfall, and I wasn't entirely sure if the others would have struck out with Salem or tried to stay away. I sighed out, my tentacles briefly flicking out once more as I continued on.

"Salem will likely entrust Tyrian Callows to deal with Ruby and if he can manage it, Yang. The Fall Maiden and the Silver Eyes traveling together will be too tempting a target."

Qrow nodded, before he finally spoke more briskly. He had questions, I could tell but he shoved it back in favor of the practical as he spoke.

"What's my loadout then?"

"The resources of my kingdom." I replied flatly. "Harbinger for example would benefit from Adamantine. Go to the dwarves and ensure that they repair it. In addition, I'll also be giving you one of our newest black cards. In an emergency, you'll be able to use it to buy anything you need. It'll also be the method I send your budget. Aside from that? Ask and it'll be done."

Qrow blinked, contemplated harder and finally spoke. ".... I'll need something to keep from being spied on magically. Don't suppose there's anything like that?"

I let out a chuckle, floating around my desk as I led the way to the elevator. "I may be able to accommodate you."


Here comes the new boss, same as the old boss.

No, that wasn't entirely true Qrow thought to himself as he stared at the odd, retreating form of his sister-in-law as she floated openly in the streets of Quadling City to the old-fashioned coach that one of the dead men witches was driving, who greeted the alien form of C'gorath with a touch of his forelock. As they got inside and the coach drove on, Qrow continued to observe her with his own curiosity.

There was a certain stigma to such an alien looking form-enough that it seemed to strike horror in their interdimensional visitors, though everyone was taking pains to at least play nice openly. In the aftermath of the Grimm and Devil invasion, Vale was teetering at the edge, more so with three major factions more or less operating. From Atlas to Taringard to Quadling City, you couldn't walk the streets of Vale anymore without some tension ongoing.

And with Ozpin currently gone, one of the more moderating voices had been silenced and while all took pains to be good guests, you didn't have to be psychic to know just how close things would come to blows. A perfect opportunity for Salem, though they were better prepared now.

Esme had gone above and beyond in that regard, sharing what she did though he wished she had done so sooner. But hell, he wasn't clairvoyant and nor was he a thinker. He just went where he was told, did what he had to and left. A troubleshooter, as used to fighting humans as he was with Grimm.

And with Ozpin gone, Esme had slid into that role with disquieting ease, and he resolved to keep a closer eye on things.

What kind of brother-in-law would he be, if he didn't include his bro's future wife into his familial guard?

The toys were nicer at least and Qrow felt the stirrings of a cackle, as he realized just what exactly, this blank check meant for him. Tyrian when he met him, was going to be toast.

And with warm thoughts of the future, they rode on to outfit him in the best the city had to offer.


Everyone had plans. Everyone had schemes.

Remnant turned, magic arced and sparked around the world as the mighty and those in shadow prepared their forces, ready to enact the sort of deeds that made or broke heroes.

And then suddenly, from the skies came something entirely different, as an Illithid Nautiloid burst into the material plane. On fire, crashing into the earth deep, deep in the wilderness.

From their campsite, Ruby woke up with a start, as did the rest of her group as Icarus screeched.

"What was that?!" Jaune yelped, Ren frowning as he spoke in turn.

"Nothing I'm familiar with."

"I am." Ruby said, recalling the familiar outline of the vessel she had only glimpsed in Aunty Em's notes. With a grimace she spoke.

"This might be dangerous. But if we don't leave it be, it'll hurt people."

Her party was already equipping themselves, as Nora grinned.

"What are we waiting for?! To adventure!" And she dashed off, hammer in hand as Ren sighed, following after. Jaune yelped, struggling to put on pants as Pyrrha turned red, hands clasped over her eyes before peeking as Ruby smiled and gave a start as she realized she was alone.

"Wait for me!" Ruby yelped.

And off she followed, into the great unknown.


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