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I think I'll just start with FLStudio open and a few cable inputs. Any ideas? Questions? Concerns? 


Weeklystream #13: Let's Create Some Samps!

Brought to you by my Patrons! https://www.patreon.com/bennjordan



Modular, obviously. And anything from percussive, effects to useful things for wavetable stuff? And whatever you feel like of course, live in the moment!


Interested to see how you go about the sample pack - Is there an element of curation as in "This pad needs this perc rhythm / sound", or is it completely free-flowing ie sounds are produced only for themselves and not because they might blend well with other sounds in the pack / genre.


Could I request tonal samples be tuned to C? A lot of the samples I have received on patreon from other creators neglect this. I think it is a good practice to make the samples easier to use and avoid re-pitching artifacts. It's frustrating to dump a pitched sample into a sampler only to find when you play a C it comes out as an F# (or whatever). Atonal and synthesized Percussion stuff are always awesome too!


When playing around with (i refuse to call it work because it's all just a rather expensive hobby for me) effect pedals, what's the deal with high-z / high impedance? Which pedals require it and which pedals don't care? Do you use reamp boxes? Do you use active and/or passive DI boxes and what's that all about? Also, do you use power conditioners in your studio?