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HxH Ep 16

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Hisoka is is one of my favorite characters from this series. Also to be accurate he is attracted to potential and growth, but usually that means its gonna tend to younger people since they have more potential.


Here's how I see Hisoka: he's a disturbing version of an Evil Goku in the DBZA interpretation. Fight-sexual, but to a sociopathic degree.

The Force

I watched this so long ago and I did *not* remember this part of Hisoka, I always remembered him as a battle lusting person, but hoooly

Cat Punch Man

Hisoka battle cry caught me off guard wtf 🤣


This man is beyond "I can fix him" NO YOU CANT

Broccoli Ben

I joined this patreon just so I could watch this series unedited

Karl Wikman

people who like Hisoka are not "I can fix him" type people. They go "I want him to fix me"