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Owl House 1x3

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Thank you Alicia, and get well soon! ❤️‍🩹


Thank you Alicia! Hope you get better!

Elias Cristerna

In case you didn't know, the VA that plays Amity is the same one that played Katara from Avatar.


One of the many cool things TOH does, is it tends to show multiple sides of complex issues. The primary perspective is the obvious "bully taken down a peg via shenanigans" archetype; but it doesn't hide the fact that Amity IS the top student for a reason, and that she's being given every reason to lose it here. It's obvious that the teacher is not helping things, and Willow is openly and overtly not well-suited to this specific track of magic. Furthermore, Eda's own attitudes towards school then highlight the troubles of people whom learn differently. Some people just aren't suited to traditional schooling. I'm kinda rambling now, but the long and short of it is that I love it. XD


Eda is Grunkle Stan's ex. It's totally canon


oooh that Amity hair dye comment....


Another gripe against that teacher is that, ignoring the fact that she cheated, Willow had presented 1! good project amongst several failing ones. And that was enough for her to dethrone the top student?