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TAD 1x2

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Jinshi makes me think of that one Overwatch fan comic where Ana explains to Pharah that hot narcissists are so used to their looks doing all the work for them that they never actually learned how to flirt. He just does NOT know how to seduce someone who isn't already squealing over how hot he is.


Jinshi did take one - there were originally 9, the girls took 3 and there were 5 left over...

Viridi Harmonia

i mean, it IS self harming just...with the intent of self-healing...still, definitely dangerous, that's our protagonist for ya


I've always read the disclaimer at the beginning of each episode as, "Dear Chinese government, PLEASE don't ban us from your massive viewer base or take actions against us!"


So I have a question. Is Maomao excited about her job because she gets to eat all the food or because she wants to eat the poison?