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Frieren Ep 23

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Alicia so talented she can even speak "dog of wisdom"


I love how Alicia's like, 'I'm excited to see Frieren's copy!' My first thought was, 'Oh god there's gonna be a Frieren copy...'


To be fair to Frieren, 1% false positive rate is not much, but it is still enough for me to still risk it as Frieren does. To put it in perspective, that's on the same scale as a gacha game pull and we all know how much money people throw in those... so no shaming Frieren! Himmel might've been an RPG completionist gamer, but she is a real gacha gamer!


I think I see what they are going for. The reason why that hair lady has never passed anyone before is probably because her ideas on magic and tests run counter to modern mage thinking. So far it feels like a lot of mages are just incredibly selfish and cut throat. They feel like the kind of people that would go "well if I don't fuck over that guy he's going to fuck me over so I need to kill him before he gets the chance." Which makes sense, because I can totally see the other elf lady giving the same response as the first guy who went into the dungeon. She had very different ideas to what magic should be and who should have magic vs what Flamme and Frieren believed which is why they didn't seem to get along and why Flamme said her master couldn't (or more like wouldn't) kill the demon lord. Not because she wasn't strong enough. And since she's the head of the mages in the modern era, it makes sense that kind of attitude would be prevalent in mage society. It's kind of interesting because demons are kind of like that too. They are incredibly proud of magic and their own strength as well as egotistical which leads them to make mistakes that can be exploited. Hair lady's other test probably also would've been easy to pass if everyone had worked together and trusted each other, but because they were all to used to the "eat or be eaten"/"looking out for number one" type of mentality they didn't, or at least not enough of them did.


The fact Denken said "if this weren't a test i would've broken my bottle a long time ago" probably in its self doesn't bode well for our intrepid testers


Even the dungeon recognizes Frieren as the boss.

Tea N Honey

Frieren and Fern playing Skyrim while Denken and the group playing DS/ER...


frieren is just like me even when i know its a mimic the greed is too strong


Yeeeah…. No… The point of Sense’s exams are to make sure EVERYBODY makes it there without damage 🤦🏽‍♂️ God damn I hope you never have to do exams like this dude lol