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Delicious D 1x6

Watch "Delicious D 1x6" on Streamable.


Ranginald Vagel

Good god this output is crazy And you're still getting that One Piece in too? Might get more than expected on the HxH binge

james blaire

Oh my god the mario meme makes so much sense now lol i was thinking he did a dark souls, no he did a mario instead, i really like this guy he dolphin dived with so much confidence lol


If you want currently running anime that is epic then why not the dangers in my heart?

Daniel Siegfried

i don't know that's still a pretty cute wake up.


+1 for dangers in my heart, it's on S2 so you have some content. But my dream ongoing show for you to watch would be Hokkaido Gals, I think you would love it, super comfy and wholesome

Apollo Gize

Dang girl, I knew you were a Queen, but as a big foodie your comments at 28:00 about knowing to prep a snack in addition to the meal makes you absolutely top tier waifu material!!!!!! I'm a guy that loves to cook, so not looking, just gotta say; RESPECT!!


"I do not wake up cute, I wake up like this" -- Excuse me, but that is the CUTEST way to wake up


This literally turned into an Escape Room episode!