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LOL What the hell


Black Lagoon Ep 1



Not a bad English dub but I think the Japanese version is still superior. I'd give it a try for some episode.


this is the reason why i think for one thing, people THINK the dubs are just inherently bad when you see the difference between the direct translation subtitles and hear whats actually chosen to be said by the VA's but also shows just how fucking kickass a dub can be and is why i think people need to give dubs more credit and learn to accept that what ACTUALLY stops people from liking dubs is that it feels MORE cringe when you can actually understand the words being said as they are said as opposed to when you just read janky ass and bad english subtitles that poorly get across the message. its for this reason that you need to give more dubs a shot with the next anime you should try which is pretty similar to black lagoon AND really fucking good is gangsta


15:43 OOOOOOOO DONT WORRY.... she says FAR worse than that about literally damn near everybody.......


People don't "think" dubs are inherently bad, they ARE bad nine times out of ten. It's great that every so often there is a good dub but that doesn't make dubs good. I would rather have subs be kinda off but the VAs be good than the VAs be bad and also the dialogue be different than the OG.


Black lagoon is peak, I’m so fucking happy someone redeemed this