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FMAB Ep 29

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Golden Rule for after Credit scenes. If the outrosong starts, bevor the credits roll there is a after credit scene.


dunno if you caught it but this was also the reveal that May is another child of the Emperor. It could have been inferred before this, but she could have also just been a random member of the Chang clan sent to accomplish the task for all we knew

Marith Lizard

It's not just the voice. Greed also manages to wear Ling's clothes more stylishly. I'm not sure how, but he took over the body of a kid who'd just been flailing around in a lake of blood for hours and instantly managed to look debonair instead of ragged.

Marith Lizard

Armstrong thinks of himself as a coward, but I've always respected him the most for his actions in Ishval. They all knew killing kids was wrong, but he was the only one to actually stop doing it. It cost him a mental breakdown and his career prospects, but he stopped.