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6 episodes in one day :3 WOWEEEE


OP Ep 176 +177

Watch "OP Ep 176 +177" on Streamable.



I forgot to comment on the actual episode, but let it be known that snakes do have buttholes. Most animals and all vertebrates do.


What you read about was a cloaca, which is still a butthole, but it’s also the pee and egg hole. Birds have the same thing.


Laki didn’t only realise that Eneru couldn’t be killed when she shot him, she trusts Kamakiri, that look in her eyes was just it becoming real for her, she’s terrified. She’s standing in front of an invincible man that can easily kill her in an instant.


Did the snake do ahegao at the end there?


need more one piece


Hey Alicia? I know you've been stuck on FMAB, which is a great show. Though I was wondering when you might feel you'll get back on to an episode or two of One Piece again? It's pretty tough during the holidays to find time for most people, so we get it, though an update would be pretty awesome. I'm not sure about others, though I'm actually watching OP again solely with you. It's been nice to have a sorta proxy to react along to many of the great moments of the show with. Anyway, hope you've been well! I can't catch streams due to the timing so if there have been updates I'm not privy to, I apologize. Stay safe!


God damn Wyper is such a meathead dipshit. Motherfucker literally almost murdered one of his people's own children (one with a godlike Mantra, at that!) in order to almost murder Nami--one of the two *least* dangerous people from the Straw Hats. This asshole is spraying and praying at everyone *except* his actual enemies like his lightsaber bazooka has an infinite-ammo cheat code.


I hope he recognizes that it was his arrogance and his pride that caused so many of his people to die needlessly.