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FMAB Ep 20

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This show can hurt as much as it is fun to watch, glad it hasn't hurt you enough to make you stop.


thanks for another big binge alicia <3 cant believe we're already basically a third of the way through the show!


Thank you for spending time with me. Aka blessing us with content. Hope you have a nice weekend


Thank you for the binge, twas a good stream too ❤❤❤




Free hugs for Alicia!

Dead Man Talking

Alicia, you're so incredibly perceptive of character's characterizations in shows. I think you're one of the few people (if not only person) I've seen who realized those things about Hoenheim and didn't just stop at "Damn, he's a shitty person who doesn't give a fuck about his kids". Thanks for more FMAB.


What is a body without a soul except an object? Organic, sure, but still an object perhaps?


There's no name better for the father of this kids: hoe-emhien, fuck that mf even if you had something important to do your kids goes first 100%.


Coming back to this episode so many little details are there and really add to later discussions. I forgot just how important this meeting is...


Such a good Alicia Ep I had popcorn and weenies. Got the boys together. Had drinks and games. Someone passed out in the bathroom Good movie!

Miklar Sihn

We already got the truth alicia... We met him ep 2 ;)


Small tip for skipping intros Tap the 10 sec fast forward button 9 times (works for most animes)


The idea that alphonse hasn't slept since he was TEN and been stuck in his constant armor hell without even the reprieve of unconsciousness or dreams and he's now I believe either 13 or 14 is so damn horrifying


It is incredible what throwing off that boulder of guilt, shame and trauma, can do for your posture. And Winry saw the effect physically.

Cat on Crack

Ed lost an arm binding Al to the armor. I don't think just binding his soul to a new armor is feasible.

Easy Mode - A.I

super excited to see the reactions to the rest of this wonderful show! keep up the great content.


every time I watch this episode and Izumi starts crying and explaining how thankful she is that she wasn't the reason their baby had to suffer. Then Curtis embracing her always gets me.

Apollo Gize

So, I'm new to patreon, is there more interaction on YouTube comments, or what am I missing? I sadly don't have the time for twitch live, but I worry there are times Alicia is missing some context (without spoilers!!) having not seen 03 FMA


Oh i have watched it 5-10 times even more if you count reaction watchthroughs but this time there were new details i started to pick up on

De L

Al statement still holds water. The suit of armor was never supposed to have a soul to begin with, and now their is a soul glued to it. So how long until the hollow body can't anchor the soul to it?

Easy Mode - A.I

03FMA exist on here just keep digging n make sure you swap content to VIDEOS ONLY. the only real benefit so far is not needing a google plus account linked to comment and no random cuts / mutes in vods. only drawback is you can't abuse the "most viewed" bar from youtube to skip INFP type rants.

Joseph McNeil

“How much more trauma are we gonna give these children? Can we stop…” Kek… no


The photo of Pinako, Hohenheim and their friends was dated in 1866, and it's currently 1915 (I think, give or take, the current year isn't mentioned much) So that's some 4 decades later and he looks unchanged...


saying how the father has a trauma is underestimating thing to say,


you will see


the reflection on the armor imitates the tear from his eyes, in case you missed it


Alicia, you have such a beautiful soul. I pray that you and your husband have your own children some day.


I love this episode so much. First it seems Hohemhein pointing out the creature wasn't their mom brings hopeless, but turns out it was what was holding them back all this time. And now they can move on knowing that they didn't make their mother experience all that pain and die a second time for their folly. And better yet, since they can't bring back the dead, but Ed managed to bring Al back, now they know for sure that Al is alive and can be brought back. I love how the author did all this part :D


When Alicia started crying, I started to tear up. My heart!

Marith Lizard

I wonder if Alphonse does it to remind himself what it's like to have a body. Or it could just be strategic - a giant guy who never takes his armor off and sounds like a kid is already suspicious, they don't need people noticing the lack of breath noises.