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FMAB Ep 15

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a frequent but seldom acknowledged gag with Scar is that he seems to secretly love cute things despite his demeanor. Shao May was just cuteness overload to him


Is she talkin about Gin, with the closed-eyes thing? Aizen had his eyes closed a lot too at first but that was only when he was doing his act

Daisy Azuras

She is right. I’m here to see Alicia have an emotional reaction to the reveals and revelations. I want to relive my own feelings of being awestruck at the unexpected by seeing her freak out.


To be fair to the dialogue, that was mainly just because Edward didn't know his opponent's name and assumed she was a dude. He had nothing else to call her with but 'he' or 'guy'.


I can't even believe you're having to put up with YouTube's BS again. On behalf of the entire fanbase, I apologize for the idiots over on YouTube hiding behind the safety of their anonymity. I'd hate to see you have to drop another series because of toxic comments on YouTube. U_U <3 Stay strong girl!


Alicia's anti-spoiler rant needs to be bottled and sprayed on offenders worldwide. Facts. I've given the same points myself countless times. IT RUINS THE REACTIONS FOR EVERYBODY. Love you, Alicia!!!


We have a culture so very entrenched with instant gratification that people get impatient with the very content they watch. Worse than that, people are so galvanized to not even consider other perspectives that they are willing to ruin things for others enjoyments. This might sound like commentary about politics, but it is everywhere truthfully.

Cyrill Attakpah

Òó "fuck this guy"?! FUCK THE LITTLE GIRL xD

Marith Lizard

Oh dear, I really hope people haven't actually spoiled big things for you. It's got to be hard engaging with viewers when you don't have a screener. (And yes, they're being dim, and watching you speculate and go off wildly on wrong tracks is part of the fun. Although more often you're so sharp it's uncanny.)


Your thinking of the wrong character in Bleach, Aizen most of the time had his eyes open the one that always had his eyes closed was Gin Ichimaru, Aizen’s right hand man.


Alicia, Ed doesn’t know her name yet, so he had no choice but to call her girlie or he or guy.