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finale!! :3 season 7 is coming out next week woooo


RM 6x10

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Teach your man oven baking instead. I have the same problem he does. Something about having to react to the cooking that throws me off. But baking is all planning and math.


how is Patreon getting the AFTER youtube what


Betrayal! Betrayal on all sides!!! Please please watch sw, lotr and hp. They're so so so so so good


7:00 and that turned out well huh lmaooo go watch those things, missing out on great content


Just to note, no one ever stopped Vertisaber. It's still out there, killing everyone in Europe

Daisy Azuras

Really?!?!? You haven’t watched any of the cool stuff as a kid?

Daisy Azuras

That was a transformers reference.

Hotaru Tomoe

Maaan, I’d kill for her to watch Star Wars with us in order.. Prequels 1&2, Clone Wars, Prequel 3, Rebels, then the original trilogy.

Aye Jaye

...Why in order? That'd be awful, starting with the prequels, not only are they ass but they weren't meant to be watched before the OT, much less have the OT the very last thing to watch.