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OP 115

Watch "OP 115" on Streamable.



I know you're aware, but I want to say it anyway. Please don't push weird choices made by the anime onto poor Oda. 😅


One of my favorite things about the battle against Mr. 4 is when Usopp imitates Miss Merry Christmas calling out her attack to trick Mr. 4. He also did something similar to Mr. 5 at Little Garden. Usopp called out his attack as Exploding Star, knowing Mr. 5 would eat it, when it was actually his Tabasco Star to burn his mouth. There's something meta about Usopp's strategies involving taking advantage of the in universe concept of calling out your attacks that I like.


Are you deliberately uploading everything except One Piece or something? Was there an update I missed? Update post says something about a focus on OP but since then you've uploaded other shows 2-3 times and no OP. You mentioned a binge a few times, but I ain't seen nothin'. I'm not trying to be rude but like idk what's going on, there's been no further update and money is kinda tight for me rn I don't mind when things come up and uploads are slow, life happens, but you're uploading other shows fine. I wanna stay subscribed coz I wanna support you but this don't feel so good. Will you be getting back to a more regular schedule soon?


A bold stance for Oda to take at this point, that Usopps nose is made of solid bone?!


Jesus dude, she just beat cancer. Let her upload schedule be wobbly if she wants.


This was 4 weeks ago, and as someone paying money there's nothing wrong with asking for an update when things aren't adding up. It's not like I was making demands. I asked very fair questions If she wasn't uploading anything at all I would have understood she was probably recovering still etc but she was uploading other shows plenty, which raised fair questions. I could have worded it a bit nicer tho tbh, I'm a bit annoyed with myself for that