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I tried my best sorry if I sound depressed I promise I'm just physically exhausted haha. Gonna take another nap then try and do more stuff after!


My Dress up Darling 1x10

Watch "My Dress up Darling 1x10" on Streamable.



Would be dope to have a shinigami Alicia, with a lil mask on the head, one day imma try cosplaying Crona from soul eater one day, hope you feel better soon Alicia!

Charlie baker

so I love people of all backgrounds portraying characters,its just the odd thing hollywood does these days of making every notable ginger character african american these days rather then spreading it more when they shift character backgrounds that bugs me abit.


damn. I never knew that darker cosplayers got crap for cosplaying on the regular. Thats hogwash. This show has it right, in that Cosplay is all about the love of the characters and story. Ive seen some AMAZING gender bent ones and ones where people dont match with skin tone. Its all good and a lot of it comes down to being able to pull off the "vibe" of the character more than being 100% accurate on stuff you cant really control. I personally would always try to find characters that are at least close to me, but even then I would stray sometimes to fit me personally (like when I went as Aizen but kept my beard. that was a fun convention.)

Thomas Garcia

Shout-out to Marin the gayest straight girl in all anime. (she might possibly be demisexual, but that's just my personal headcanon)


DIdnt know that at all about darker cosplayers either. Fuck that sucks.. :(

Vik Persson

I agree, she was totally not kidding. She was testing the limits.


The difference between what Marin does here and blackface, is that blackface includes the use of racist stereo types, such as making the skin fully black, the exaggerated lips etc. Darkening your skin on its own is perfectly fine. No different to someone painting themselves to cosplay a Twi'lek from Star Wars.


Marin totally rocks the tan look.