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One Piece Ep 90 + 91

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Nathaniel Richter

I love that mr 2 doesnt have a partner because he is gender nonconforming, its also why he goes by bon clay which matches the female code names. dude was out in 1997 its wild

Reise M.Lukas

For me none of that matters. Bon Clay is a good character first and foremost, everything else is just flavor. I will say though he is the only gender nonconforming character in fiction I like.

De L

The Clan of D is a vast clan with many branches. One thing that all bearers of the "Will of D" share, most of them anyway, is that when death comes for them they greet it with a smile. We will see a couple members of the Clan of D pass away in future episodes, and everyone of the them dies with a smile. Oda has yet to tell the readers/watchers of the series exactly what the "Will of D" is, let alone what the "D" stands for, but it will grow into a very important initial to have throughout the history of the One Piece world, with a number of key figures being a part of that clan.


The only response I have for any and all One piece questions and theories is, giiiiiiirl just you wait! Oda is a master chef cooking all kinds of dishes. You’ll get your meals


"No one can be pregnant for years and have a baby pop out." Diavolo: "Am I joke to you?"

Fenronin (Dorian Dubourg)

Bon Clay design(well his face) is based on Jim Carrey mainly the dumb and dumber role


*Robin appears* *Alicia becomes that cartoon wolf that howls at the pretty girls* Honestly, I ain't even mad.

Brandon Fisher

a wrong reason to be right and a right reason to be wrong that's my matto