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JoJo's 6x32

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james blaire

i thought 3 was an odd number (uh oh math) 2 4 6 or 3 5 7? i sucked at math so i dont know lol

Rick Baron

Prime numbers are those that can only be divided by themselves or 1, they don't have anything to do with evens or odds, prime numbers from 1 to 10 would be: 1,2,3,5,7,9

Rick Baron

The significance of pucci counting prime numbers (he said in the raining frogs episode) is that prime numbers can only be divided by themselves, so he counts them to calm himself in stressful situations because he thinks of himself as the prime numbers, so he's reassuring himself that no one but him can thwart his plans


Oh during the first part of heavy weather they show his eyes having electricity running though them in the game its shown that he can conduct it though his body I wonder why he didn't do that here.

Android 89

Funnily enough, Weather did use his electric body in the manga. Not on Pucci though, He used it on two women to shock them while they gave him a massage. I'm still a little bummed that it got cut