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Omg poor doggo D: wtfff


JJ 3x39

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VJ Sins

Tw// Trauma dumping presented as a joke I agree with ant i hate birds im so happy all 3 of my birds died from fever. (I have to clarify this is a joke it still makes me extremely sad)


They showed the beggar's car getting pierced by Pet Shop in the last episode but u guys kinda talked and laughed over it so you probably didn't notice it lol


This was the episode that made aight bearable to me. I usually really like dogs but I wanted to drop kick him throughout part 3


3:00 My advice with memory issues is just finding something bizarre and hard to remember and practicing remembering it. I started learning the digits of Pi in an enrichment course and am now at almost 100 digits. You learn small ways to improve your memory, like following patterns or finding parts where the sequences repeat. With Pi for example, the first 10 or so digits are very heavy on the 5 as a separator of sorts. 3.1415926535... Then you get a short sequence where an echoing pattern is formed, with [Number] 9 [Number - 1] 9. ...8979... Then you get a a sequence that is symmetrical, with the first letter being the last letter and second letter being the second to last. This being the "46264". ...323846264... Then you have what I like to refer to as an "odd man out" situation with "3383". ...3383279502884... You then come across "1971", which isn't an important date by any means, but the very fact that it looks like a date makes it memorable to some extent. ...1971... And then you can use the previously mention characteristics to memorise the rest. The following sequence being a combination of an echoing pattern with an "odd man out" scenario. ...693993... And so you learn the whole thing. 3,1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445723078164062862089986280348253421... This is as far as I've gotten, but that's only because this was the point where my memory became adequate enough for me to be happy with. I hope this advice can help. :)

Reiko Lupus

Yeah, Pet Shop is one of the most relentless and intimidating stand users in the franchise XD.


I know this is asking a lot from you guys, but please consider watching the last 4 episodes back to back. In my opinion it really adds to the experience by watching it all in one sitting. 🥦


Dio's fucking bird man.... we finally found an animal that he likes.

Reiko Lupus

And, as it couldn't have been any other way, the bird is an absolute monster that kills and eats dogs XD.


Hey, I wanted to give you a heads up about some possibly triggering content in Part 4. In p4 episode two from -23:32 to -21:40 on Hulu there is some content that you have expressed being sensitive to in the past. Hope this is helpful!


Jotaro and Kakyoins handshake formed a heart. you can't tell us that's not bromance

VJ Sins

While its not shown , so she maybe could stomach it, its best to leave that specific part to ant. But otherwise she needs to watch the most of the episode

Youmu Senju

She's still on part 3, my guys. Let's save part 4 discussion until she's actually on part 4. XD


We ship Kakyoin and Jotaro's matrimony <3

James Gheen

All the episodes until the end are going to go absolutely ham.

Lemon Rat

Thank you for the episode! Im excited to watch the last episodes with you guys! Hope you guys are doing alright today <3


+1 to ant for knowing 3 in Japanese


u hate birds? what do u meeaan have u not seen cockatiels? :c


It funny that you keep bringing jotaro and kakyion are a couple cause there is a canon side story where they get married and have a son by kakyion laying an egg. I am not joking


When I was a kid we found a parakeet on the side of the road, I am absolutely positive it was Ant's bird, it lived a long life for a bird.