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Omg Gundam is so flipping fun to watch. It means a lot to me that you guys redeemed this show cause the way I love Sullybear is just TOO DAMN MUCH!! She is just my precious baby!! As are a lot of characters in most animes I watch haha. Might be a reoccurring theme.


gundam 1x7 +8

Watch "gundam 1x7 +8" on Streamable.


Princess Paladin

also, that shot you were describing, usually the "savior like" image has the person glowing against a dark background or similar for contrast, right? but she has shadows radiating from her because she was blocking the light in the background. so kind of an inversion on that level too.

cody raugh

So there's some small detsils over these past few episodes that a lot of people missed, but a lot of others noticed on rewatches that sparked a huge theory by this episode. So Ice Prince said (and displayed) that he was someone else entirely than who he said he was and seemed to have a very foggy knowledge of his past before becoming a double. And then everyone kept going on stating that the evengs of the prolog happened 21 years ago, which would make Arerial at minimum a 22 year old mech, and our precious Gaybies are 17. And i just litterally realized Sulletta didn't recognize granny at all when the video played showing the medical ad. And as for the whole mobiles suits/weapons thing...yeah that feels super shoehorned in, probably the weakest element of the plot thus far. "We don't want to be weapons manufacturers, thats why we went to a school that trains people to be ultra high end weapons manufacturers" If they had made a hard visual display of industrial mobile suits being used for a wide variety of uses and shown all the low end industrial stuff just sort of in the background of Earth House then the statement would make sense, but otherwise you'd have to make some serious leaps of logic, or know some deeper Gundam knowledge, to go "oh them kids weren't there to learn how to make and use machines of war, they were there learning how to build walking space mining rigs, and super tractors." But Gundam is "supposed" to have a anti-war message in it and has this irony that whenever the company forces it you get moments like this where the Juxposition of "super awesome "realistic" space mecha battle! Look explosions!" Followed by "no we never want battle or war those are bad things and only bad people do those." But when they let things flow naturally and show the viewers the consequences of battle and war then you get these moments that well they break you and you're just there going "it's awful, my tears wont stop just thinking about it and I'm quivering (litterally me thinking back on past series certain moments right now) and i can see why everyone is doing what they're doing, saying what their saying, why they're fighting and dying and none of it is evil...minus certain fuckers..., but it doesn't make it any less awful or any less painful to watch or reflect on." And that's when i think Gundam and the point of "war bad" truly comes across, vs the shoehorned moments like this which probably was done for multiple reasons both to introduce GUND tech's wider uses and that crummy "arms dealers bad" attempt.


You calling her Sully was already adorable, but calling her Sullybear is even more adorable.

Sven Hegenbart

Good analycing the short scene with the mom - ALso have deep trust issues with her ^^


:) love your reactions, blessed with 4 videos in one day!

Joey Cat

Man Sulletas mom is playing 5D chess with all these moves shes making, just nudging people into a position that will ultimately favor her in the long run. Cute doggy intermission! Great episode, honestly wasn't expecting to get this into this show but hot damn it just keeps surprising me! Can't wait for the next video Queen and wish you all the best :)

Sharles Davis Kendy

Just FYI, this show doesn't have a scenes from the next episode thing. You can just safely watch the ED to unwind from whatever crazy shit the episode has had. Which as the first cour ends... Just saying.


Also Alicia. If you wanna have some more Sullybear cuteness on your own time, there is this official short story they uploaded way back, before the episodes you’re at, that tells the story of her growing up on Mercury, told from a POV that may surprise you. https://en.gundam.info/about-gundam/series-pages/witch/music/novel/

James Gheen

"I don't trust him, he too pretty. That's why I don't trust myself." While I am the fool and total simp that can't avoid getting a tiny parasocial crush on you :P


Yea, Shad dick showing himself here.

Jake Thompson

Miorine uses Capitalism. It's super effective!