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A little peak behind the curtains. This is what I usually work off of with my editor when planning out what is being uploaded daily. EVERYTHING is subject to change. 

But I know recently people had some questions so I thought this would help show you what's coming up this week.

I'm going to be finishing Gundam even though it hasn't been redeemed that far yet because honestly health wise I'm just trying to enjoy and slam stuff as much as I can before my next surgery in Feb, haha.

Finishing season 1 of Mob then going into season 2 after a one week break.

With Gundam finishing Vinland Saga is back! Season 2 I will be bringing Ant on board for :D He already saw season 1 so I will continue doing that solo.

Love is War season 1 is being all tied up! on valentines day week. With the finale taking place on Valentines day if I plan it right! haha

Attack on Titan is coming back for its OVA's and the abridged video which someone redeemed. Then we will be starting season 2. (YouTube Estimated Date: Feb 20th) thus finishing love is war first. Patreon will get early access of course though!

Avatar Book 3 (YouTube Estimated Date: Feb 19th) upon finishing Season 1 of Vinland Saga.

Mob Psycho Season 2 (YouTube Estimated Date: Feb 2nd) 

I think I am going to drop Nier though it seems cool I just don't think I am as into it as I am with the other series I am watching. So I'd rather focus on stuff that makes me happier rather than doing it for the sake of doing it. I hope that is okay.



Joey Cat

Thanks for keeping us updated Queen, +1 to Azu for doing such a great job editing!

Sven Hegenbart

thanks for watching the whole season of Gundam YOu will really like it


It will be cool to see you reacting to ATLA Book 3. Thank you for updating us :)


it’s a shame about Nier, I was hoping it would be a way to learn about the plot without needing to play the game but ig the story doesn’t translate very well to anime form. Anyway thanks for the schedule, and if anything changes that’s ok too. It’s nice enough to have some idea of how things are going

James Gheen

Feel free to add or drop whatever you want Queen. You deserve all the pleasure and joy from life. Especially right now. I shall patiently await Book 3 of ATLA. And the inevitable dive into Legend of Korra and you being down bad for our title protagonist ;)


So much coming out! Definitely exciting. Are your patreon redemptions listed here as well or do you sprinkle those in here and there?


Didn’t you say in a video a few weeks back you said you were going to watch Made in Abyss? its fine if it’s not anytime soon or I might have just been crazy and hearing what I want to hear while half paying attention

Youmu Senju

Thank you very much for the roadmap!


My plan is to finish mob psycho fully before starting made in abyss ^^ I don’t wanna pick up new series until I’m done my current one is the main goal.


For the $10+ those are done in two videos as big compilations. For Patreon redemptions most are exclusives so they don’t get listed in the weekly schedule cause this is more so for my editor :) basically I try to record ahead for my editor then when I hit that I go and record redemptions such as the ultimate tier ones.

Charlie baker

Thats cool stick to shows you have fun covering, id love to see more horimiya since you guys were having such a blast watching the first two eps

Youmu Senju

That is an excellent policy. Some reactors keep adding more and more shows and then they aren't watching/finishing any of their current ones. On top of that, you should only watch as many shows/episodes/etc. in whatever frequency you and your health allow for. I couldn't keep up your rate of production. You are truly amazing. <3


Alright, awesome! I can definitely be patient


@Yomnu Senju not to mention when you watch too many shows at once you forget a lot more which both diminishes the reactor’s experience and the quality of the reactions themselves


Interesting peek behind the curtain. I'm glad you are doing shows you are enjoying!