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JJ 3x10 patreon

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Aye Jaye

I don't get the logic in that, most episodes of Stardust Crusaders are super skippable, doesn't mean you should. Like, this no longer applies since obviously they're finished with part 3, but still, skipping episodes for that reason is silly.


So Hol Horse is merely a reference to Araki's early works where he did a western manga. It's why Jotaro is inspired by Clint Eastwood and Hol Horse is another cowboy because Araki was having fun with this part.


I can confirm I also just always just try to hold it in when we're out on the road in India. I'm a massive clean freak when it comes to toilets and my family regularly makes fun of me for it, which...yeah I can see why it'd get annoying on a road trip and is probably deserved XD I know bidets are probably more hygienic than toilet paper when you use them right, but it's just...so hard to get used to after using toilet paper for most of your life. It usually takes me at least a week to get used to the no toilet paper thing since most of my relatives also don't use them by default :(


Can’t believe they gave Quarter Stallion a gun.


Hol Horse's musical reference is Hall & Oates. It's why you see him in a duo here. There's actually a scene later where I wonder if they synced it up to "Out of Touch" intentionally because it fits way too well.


Hol horse was meant to be part of the crusaders but araki felt like he was similar to polnariff and his stand was too op so he just kept him as a villain

Reiko Lupus

Yeah, you probably saw it already in the previous parts, but... JoJo really doesn't fear killing it's characters XD.

Carrie Thomas

RIP Best Boi Avdol, you were a real one 😔


Araki, JoJo's author, mentiones how he will often travel to the locations he's writing about for research. On part 3, he says "... I went to every location along the story's route (excluding the more dangerous areas), up to and including Egypt". So most details you see included, both in story and graphic, are based on his personal experience traveling to each country during the late eighties.


That's not to say absolutely everything in the story is factual, of course! Araki also loves to take a concept or story he'd hear somewhere and incorporate it to JoJo's story. So take this tidbit with a grain of salt. Some things are written just to be bizarre, just like the Pig-toilet :p

Alexandre Géhin

To be fair, it's not because you look indian that you've been there or lived there


do NOT watch 32/33, its nothing graphic or triggering, just kinda weird and unnecessary

Yagi di Hoshi

My mom has a hard time confirming it as this is anecdotal from our late grandmother on her own mom's side, but there's a chance we might be partial Indians (India ofc) ourselves. I really like curry (probably my favorite food at this point) and also chai tea, so