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^u^ we are wrapping up this series!! WOOOOO!



Watch "Inivincible ep 7" on Streamable.



Alicia is so good with predictions so the loop that robot caused for her is wild.

Steven Dorsey

Here's the worst part. Amber KNEW that Mark was Invincible. KNEW that it was HIM fighting to save her life at the university, RESENTED him for not telling her his secret identity before then, and CHOSE to quietly punish him for it by pretending to think he was a coward who abandoned her. She KNEW he was in the hospital for something more serious than getting hit by a bus, and knew he was likely standing her up because something serious might have been happening, but the entire time showed no genuine concern for his safety at all. The entire time, she only cared about what was going on in her small little world, instead of once considering what must be going on outside her private little bubble. This inner logic for how she responds in several different situation is changed by the fact that she admits to having known for "weeks", making the way she has reacted to mark contrast sharply with the empathy and concern she has been shown to have for literally everyone else. She spends every moment of her life volunteering to help and save others, but disregards that Mark standing her up is because he does the exact same thing, resents him for it, and gaslights him into feeling guilty for it at the university by accusing him of abandoning her when she knew at that point that wasn't the case. Absolutely reprehensible imho. Sorry, it just bothers me. :<


The thing is that in the original comics, Amber was a bit of a flat character, basically only existing to give Mark a girlfriend. She had no clue about his secret identity, thinking he was dealing drugs on the side or something, and once Mark told Amber that he was Invincible, she just completely forgave him for everything, instantly. She was unfortunately written as pretty one-dimensional. I love what they changed with her character in the cartoon, right up until this point. Because on the one hand, of course it makes sense that a girl as smart as her would be able to figure out eventually that Mark was a superhero, and of course she's not a doormat that would put up with being treated badly, but on the other hand, they were trying to be too faithful an adaptation and stick to the way the story went in the comics without accounting for how these changes necessitated a more loose adaptation of this storyline. So in their attempt to make Amber a more fleshed-out character, they ended up making her look super manipulative and unfair in her treatment of Mark.

Jay Redmond

That scene in the bedroom is the worst part of the entire show, by far. I have no idea why anybody thought that writing it this way was a good idea.