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Vol 5 RWBY 3-5

Watch "Vol 5 RWBY 3-5" on Streamable.


Gavin Bickel

Still killing it with the reactions. Awesome! Coma, you gotta calm it down boi! XD but love you still

Broccoli Ben

Just realized, are we skipping all the other trailers? I know we got the very first trailers, but what about the ones like when Ruby fights the Gorilla Grim?


Still loving is and she is pushing these vids out like it popcorn at a theater and I still want more!


Adam's followers just showed that they don't really have an issue with the system of oppression, they just want to flip it over and reverse the positions. They have the mentality of us vs them where no one is an individual and most importantly no one is more important than the "cause", which means that everyone will be sacrificed as a soldier. The cognitive dissonance of the double standards of accusing the Belladonnas of "wanting to work for the human" when Adam actually made the white fang work as mercenaries for the humans is real too.


i cannot unhear bakugo eng va from that 1 bandit XD

Trevor Appel

When it comes to flashbacks in One Piece it's better than Naruto where it repeatedly shows the same flashbacks multiple times in the same episode many times it's a flashback to a scene that just happened

Sleeping Cat Studios

remember the book that Blake was reading at the begining of season 1 "the man with 2 souls"

Greg Gombar

The good luck with that was brutal

Lavender Onyxheart

I love Koma accurately guessing Jaunes semblance the first time