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Vol 4 RWBY 1-3

Watch "Vol 4 RWBY 1-3" on Streamable.


Gavin Bickel

man, i can't imagine how it must feel watching anything with Kcoma. XD from his constant flip flopping of characters he likes to hates, to his worrying on someone gonna die, to joking during important moments to help himself cope XD he's a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde type character, you never know what he's gonna say next and i love it!


to be fair, yang's arm does have a vibrate function. so it might not be a dildo, it can be used recreationally


There definitely is no subtitler writing these things, it’s definitely the cheapest voice recognition money can buy


oooh. my favourite misunderstood character WHITLEY!

Winter Turnip

this one made me cry and laugh so many times also "imma name him charlie' W coma momment


God, watching Vol 4 again after so long has really opened my eyes (same with Yang and Ruby talking after getting back). I knew Yang was sad on the first watch, but listening to her and watching her blankly go through the motions of everyday life again hits so hard. With everything I've experienced and grown through in life after high school, I get it. Really enjoying Koma just vibing and flip-flopping so much. Real talk, the subtitles went from being made fun of to being appreciated for saving the mood after everything that's happened in the show so far

Robert C. Dona

Introducing my boi Oscar Pine! Also fun fact the voice actor for Tyrion does the voice for Armin in Aot eng dub.


even more fun fact, that same Voice actor is also a Vtuber by the name of Mimcubus


you may know the VA for Tyrian (creepy dude at the table) is also a vtuber by the name Mimcubus


Sorry, haven’t watched the reaction yet fully, but did Coma not see the Ruby Character short before starting Vol.4?

Sam Marsh

Jacque may be her father, but Klein is Weiss’s true dad.

Jathby Dredas

No matter how many times he replays that recording, she'll never say what she really meant.


Man, I'm binging these. I was all like 'This is great! Why did I stop watching?' Then this happened and I bawled my eyes out again and had to go to bed. Like way to nail grief and ptsd Rooster Teeth but did you have to?! I totally get why I stopped. I'm so devastated about Pyrrah again, and I knew it was coming. Forgot about Juan and the recording though. So from here on out, I'm watching these blind. Hopefully the depression will pass. I woke up still sad!