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:3 final push for season 2


Konosuba 2x8

Watch "Konosuba 2x8" on Streamable.



Are you Fu€k¡ng kidding me? After this Bing-Saturday You and your Cutter deserve a very long Vacation and a Pay raise! Thank you guys so much and Alicia, have a relaxing and smooth recovery! Enjoy your time off work! 🙏

Hotaru Tomoe

For the record, I’m subscribed to both YouTube channels, and Twitch. And I generally don’t like Twitch.


Darkness getting dragged after the cart wasn't consentual. Kazuma didn't consent.

Robin Berglund

I'm currently supporting your Patreon and you still want me to do more..? Like hitting the subscribe-button, don't you think you're asking a bit much from your fans? Honestly, how shameless...