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OP 348 + 349

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Say swear I was just looking for content

Joe Vocaire

You asked for a hot villain? Does Gecko Moria not do it for you?😂😂

Wil DeYoung

Zombies may not be able to feel pain but that can take EMOTIONA DAMAGE!


Loving Lola is also justified. Edit: Yes yes yes, I always tell people that something I love about the character writing in One Piece is how different characters act differently when paired up together. When paired with Nami, Usopp is often sensible, logical, and cautious, because they get along as the two most average-strength members of the crew; but when Usopp is paired up with Luffy, he becomes pretty childish and irresponsible. Nami can keep Luffy in line to an extent, but if you pair Luffy with Robin, she kinda becomes an enabler and quietly encourages his bad habits (I swear Robin's the kind who'd be like, "You said to watch them, so I did. I watched them spend all our money and start a fight with a warlord.") It's always fun to see how new pairings will work out. If you leave Franky alone with Luffy, how will they act? Etc.

Pixel Kevchen

I have to say it. The Spidermonkey and Gecko looking like they're Digimons.

Lewd Angel

Im sorry but pairing someone up with Luffy and then calling THEM the "childish and irresponsible" one is quite possibly one of the most hilarious descriptions i've heard of the straw hat crew. Luffy has everyone beat in that manner, Usopp just shares Luffy's one braincell when they're together cuz they're best buds

Yagi di Hoshi



If you get the chance, you gotta check out the dub version of the Brook Singing scene. Even if it's only that part. The VA, Ian Sinclair, NAILED IT. Not to say the Japanese VA didn't, of course. I'm just biased towards Ian for the roles he's played.