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HxH Ep 44

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The Force

No but really WHY is Kurapika driving? Not only are they the one holding the guy but they're also the YOUNGEST THERE almost certainly.

Fake Name

Shame we haven't had soup with the crew for a while in OP. This soggy king dude is pretty fun though.

Fake Name

Dayum, just hearing Azu INHALE at about the 9:15. Valid, this scene is nuts.

Aye Jaye

Melody is too short, and Squala is too scared of the responsibility.

Julio Castillo

For the Record... The Shadow Beats aren't weak, they lost simply because Uvogin is on another level when it comes to Combat. And also because Rabid Dog made the mistake of not using lethal poison, just like Machi said... if he had used Lethal poison they would've won.


I hope she paid attention at the end there, instead of worrying about him still driving


"Wtf is this anime, bro?!" She ain't ready, guys.