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OP 288 + 289

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Paul I

I love that Lucci's reason for not getting rid of chimney and gonbe is because he wants luffy to follow, even if he doesnt say it

Ryan Searle

I don’t remember who said this but Franky is Alecia if she never got out of the hood lol


Lucci really embodies his cat cat fruit in that way. Spandam is the boss, but gets treated like a servant. He's only interested in what he wants to do and won't lift a finger if he isn't ordered; especially if he knows doing so will get him what he wants (fights/murder).

Code Kagari

yo alicia can pull that chapapa voice LOL

Meangr33n Krayola

Bro the moment I saw Kaku's giraffe form I laughed so hard I farted-. His nose looks like a stick of butter 🧈