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Konosuba 2x2

Watch "Konosuba 2x2" on Streamable.



This was a ride from start to finish


It’s Aqua panic flailing in the air in the opening that gets me every single time


This was one of the most unhinged reactions I have ever seen… almost Alicia’s own personal Konosuba episode.

ThunderRaichi10000 (edited)

Comment edits

2024-04-10 01:02:46 Nah, the OVA in season 1 wasn’t trash it was funny as hell and Kazuma is 16 while Megumin is 13 (which isn’t weird by any means they are both underage so it is fine and 3 year age gap does matter you’re the only that is making a 3 year age gap such a big deal) with the oldest being Darkness who is 18 if you don’t count Aqua that is, so now that you know their ages, quit acting like Meguamin is 10 or something when she isn’t and the only reason Kazuma treats Megumin like a kid is because he is older than her by 3 years and he sees himself as the mature one in the group plus it is Japan they do things differently than we do in the West not to mention lolis are pretty popular over there.
2024-04-09 14:09:22 Nah, the OVA in season 1 wasn’t trash it was funny as hell and Kazuma is 16 while Megumin is 13 (which isn’t weird by any means they are both underage so it is fine and 3 year age gap does matter you’re the only one that is making a 3 year age gap such a big deal) with the oldest being Darkness who is 18 if you don’t count Aqua that is, so now that you know their ages, quit acting like Meguamin is 10 or something when she isn’t and the only reason Kazuma treats Megumin like a kid is because he is older than her by 3 years and he sees himself as the mature one in the group plus it is Japan they do things differently than we do in the West not to mention lolis are pretty popular over there.

Nah, the OVA in season 1 wasn’t trash it was funny as hell and Kazuma is 16 while Megumin is 13 (which isn’t weird by any means they are both underage so it is fine and 3 year age gap does matter you’re the only one that is making a 3 year age gap such a big deal) with the oldest being Darkness who is 18 if you don’t count Aqua that is, so now that you know their ages, quit acting like Meguamin is 10 or something when she isn’t and the only reason Kazuma treats Megumin like a kid is because he is older than her by 3 years and he sees himself as the mature one in the group plus it is Japan they do things differently than we do in the West not to mention lolis are pretty popular over there.


This shows why we love Alicia when she does reaction she actually reacts and makes transformative content rather than some creates that will just nod or laugh a a joke actionably or just talk to chat while the vid plays.

i'm a human being

This has got to be a new favorite reaction episode of mine, this truly feels like a combination of everything that makes you so great lmaoo


10:00 To be fair, kazuma is 17 and megumin is 15, they're both kids. yeah the OVA stuff was kinda cringe, but it's not like he's 20 and she's 13, they're pretty close in age


isn't she 13-14 during the anime run tho? That's a wider and weirder gap imo