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The Boys 3x6

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I have OCD so I understand M.M., mine is more towards contamination so if I don't check the advil bottle 4 times to make sure it's advil, then I'll die. If there's any cleaning agent on the same counter as a bottle of water, if I drink that water I'll die. It's extremely irrational and it's not an every day occurrence for me but it does mess with me a lot.

Peter Gilmore

While I think the show is a huge improvement from the comic and especially with Homelander... Herogasm was a different animal in the comics. You know with all the super heroes when they go off to space to fight the big bad and save the universe, that's what they say all the heroes are doing while they actually just go to an island for a week or so filled to the brim with hookers and drugs. It was something to behold.


"For you, the day killed your family was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday."

Fenronin (Dorian Dubourg)

I mean if she does not put Homelander in the good he's going to go apesh*t and kill millions