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Owl House 1x15

Watch "Owl House 1x15" on Streamable.


Sam Marsh

A beautiful reconciliation between former friends. Next up is GROM!!!


what happened to that OP upload?

Joe Vocaire

I love that you’re loving this show!❤️

Mike E

I know that Gus seems annoying at this point, and that's fair, he's definitely not a top tier character yet. But you gotta remember, he's skipped a couple grades; so I'm pretty sure that the majority of the kids are like 13-14 and Gus is like 11-12, so him being more out of pocket and annoying should be totally expected not only because he's young, but especially because he's younger than his friends (the insecurity of fitting in factor). He's basically an elementary schooler hanging out with high-schoolers. Bear through it and give him time though, he has his moments :). Also PS. So glad that you're reacting to this show, I was surprised you hadn't already because this definitely seemed WAY up your alley.


booo let me have my opinion. If the show makes me like him I'll like him. If he is annoying and adds nothing then I'mma keep not liking him. Its up to the show to change my opinion not other people.


Hooty? Annoying? Blasphemy. Hooty is the best ungodly bird worm.