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I didn't know this was an OVA while watching. I'm SO HAPPY IT IS! Cause holy smokes the cringe was real. Bless to this not being cannon


Konosuba 1x11

Watch "Konosuba 1x11" on Streamable.


Ethan Jimenez

Love your videos and energy, please keep on what you do best

Molly McDougal

I love Konosuba and all but it always makes me a little sad that a lot of people nowadays don't clock just how much of a Lina Inverse parody Megumin is.


Remember to say somewhere that you now know it was an OVA or the YouTube comments will call you out non-stop!

Gas Bandit

"From the moment I first saw you, you were nothing to me but boobs. You are boobs. Boobs. Sorry." XD

Ash Stitches

Tbh i love Konosuba more in the dub, it has me in stitches every timee


Yeah this whole episode is filler (which was honestly a weird way to introduce Yunyun). And it's really noticable anime original stuff too because Kazuma's perviness is cranked to 100. It's just super aggressive for the sake of putting the girls in fanservice situations. Like yeah, he signed up for some succubussy, but he's no Mineta towards his party.


I was interested in Alicia’s comment on “it would be more bearable if I found them attractive cause I could be like ‘yeah they’re hot.’” I found out fairly recently I’m ace. And always wondered why people would sometimes be more lenient to similar pervy or dumb or evil anime characters. Often it was because they were hot to them in some way. But for me I was always like “how can you give anything here this is awful!” I’m learning 😂

Kenneth Richard Baumgart

Is she going to watch season two? I don't remember if it was on the redemption list or not.


Someone please redeem the second season, the movie, the Megumin anime, and then the third season that's coming out soon. I beg you. This is amazing. Her reactions are priceless.

DuJuan Scott

Yeah, that was tough to watch. That wasn't even funny cringe. Just "everyone's just plain awful" cringe.

James Fernandez

It may not be a hentai but it was made by people who made hentai


Soviet YunYun army rise up!


I meant, If you take advantage of a intelligent impaired girl is kinda too low for a man like Kazuma