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Konosuba 1x8

Watch "Konosuba 1x8" on Streamable.



yeah, they unfortunately skipped wiz's chapter from the book, when they adapted it into the show. it happens from time to time for various reasons, but still kinda sucks when it happens and the part they skip introduces an important character they have to somehow shoehorn in later and pretend that they've been always there. speaking of, wiz is another part where them changing the ages of the characters kinda ruined the joke. in the original web novel she was 26, in the book and the show she's physically 20. one of her running gags is that she feels like she's past her prime, which of course is juxtaposed by the fact that, as an undead, she's basically ageless. still, as a physically 20 year old, that mentality doesn't really make much sense. however, as a 26 year old, with the dreaded 30 creeping ever closer (although again: unaging undead), it makes a lot more sense for her to think that way. once again nothing mind blowing, but it does make more sense this way.


I don't need a bottle or a jar, if I'm locked in a room trying to hide from ghosts, I'll just straight up piss in a corner before I do it in my pants I don't care if there's people with me lol

Kobalt Reaver

Fantastic reactions, glad you're watching this series it's just a great show. A perfect parody of my favorite genre. Plus the group just has great synergy with one another.


I love how Alicia roasts these screwballs lol