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OP 248 + 249

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I love how well this backstory does so much, both explaining everything you need to know about the characters that till now have just been quirky, now you find out why they are the way they are. but above that, how well this explains all you need to know about the World Government. It is super shady and full of blatent bullshit, with the whole "Look, what you did isn't illegal, except we decided this time it is because the dude you did it for years ago ended up pissing us off." Plus Spandam the incompetent, nepo-baby sack of shit. But at the same time, not everyone working for it are like that, as the judge on Tom's trial was actually reasonable and willing to work things out.


23:45 surprised she missed baby Paulie and Franky's girls in the window, she's usually great at noticing that stuff


Yep ... this is the silly cartoon about gimmicky pirates and a goofy rubber boy going on fun, light-hearted adventures! That's right, this is a KIDS' SHOW!


This arc is a lot.