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Solo Leveling 10

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Daisy Azuras

I’m wondering if maybe he’s going to spec into magic now because all this time he’s been an assassin I mean he’s got all these assassin abilities and lately he’s been talking about expecting into intelligence in order to up his mana pool. So I wonder if he’s going to start using spells and things and learn healing magic or an attack magic maybe become like an assassin wizard I wonder if they’re going to let him job change again later on

Winter Turnip

oooooo this was so cool aaaaaa


Job-change quest is like picking an arch-type at 3rd level in DnD

Saint Andrew

(this is not a spoiler i will not be discussing solo leveling in the first text block and will only reference what we've seen in the second block.) Job change quests tend to be in the video game world picking your class or upgrading your class. For example in some Korean MMOs they tend to be an upgrade for example graduating from let's say... Rogue -> Assassin Or Mage -> Sorcerer as another example. as to how that relates to solo leveling I'm sure you can easily guess but Jinwoo appears to be from what we've seen classless. He just appears to have skills for now and doesn't really have a base class. Once again there are no spoilers in my message, that second paragraph is simply explaining what we can infer from what we have already seen.