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Invincible 2x4

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Thank you Alicia! ❤️‍🔥 You hardworking Binge Queen!


What I will say about the bug waifu: Would

matt B

I do not know what Williams talking about. Wearing jeans with no underwear is a literal torture. your whole weiner is getting grinded on 16:36


You should see the bug queen in the comics, she’s even thicker there lol

Dhaval Kale

Song at the end is so fire RTJ


They are getting paid alot just not using the money out of principle. I dont know if mark has a say in it tho...


I'm pretty sure in the comics the woman with the blade hair comes in much later. Also in the comic that General is much nicer to Mark

Peter Gilmore

I love the comparisons they do in this episode. Mark looks at their lives as so fleeting and quick due to their life spans that it parallels the same way Nolan looked at humans. Both specks in the timeline of their lives essentially.

james blaire

at this point its a wonder the mauler twins are still kickin with how many times he died lol

Miklar Sihn

This episode has generated new galaxies of memes. The sheer amount of "Your mom wasnt freaky enough" and "I think pokemon are sexy, the bug pokemon."...

The Force

Bug woman? Would. Judge me idc xD Also, Prewatcher! Prewatcher! BOOOO! jk I love your dumb predictions I did the same thing xD


My man Mauler just got Twiced


I mean he has that big ass for a reason he inherited it from Mr. Krabs lol


yeah, I wore a bad pair of underwear once and once I finished a day of work it was burned so bad that I was sore for like 2 weeks (and couldn't do you know what either cause it was burned so bad) thus I learned not to buy cheap underwear off amazon.


Honestly Debbie gave mark the superpower of mental resilience and empathy.

Nathan Lehenbauer

Interstellar, no shit, changed the way black holes were depicted in shows. That was a fairly accurate and realistic drawing of a black hole... Holy shit. Back before 2014 black holes in cartoons and animations looked like Saturn, with the main body being black. But in almost every show/movie I've seen them in since, they look like the one in Interstellar, or at least like the images taken by the EHT back in 2019. Also: ROFFL!!! Alicia, this is why I love your reactions... I don't think you're a prewatcher, but you're so fucking insightful about the shit that you watch that you predict shit as jokes and still end up being right like... 80% of the time. You catch on to shit on your first watch that it took me several watches to see.


Honestly its so nice to see Luthor get his chance to shine as a Krypton- I er, mean Viltrumite.