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If you pledged $10 or more in February for the March art pack, you're entitled to enter the art raffle. This means you can reply to enter. Just reply with the name of the character and series it comes from. I will then randomly choose one patron between all replies (using random.org) and the selected patron will be able to choose one character for me to draw as part of March's art pack.

So, if you are interested in entering the raffle just reply to this post to let me know. You have until March 13th.


- You can only ask for a character belonging to something drawn or animated, as in a comic/manga/anime/cartoon/videogame/etc. Sorry, no illustrations based on real life characters or people.

- Characters must me reasonably human looking :P





Tadashi Yamaguchi from Haikyuu!! ;D


What I would want to put in the raffle is Captain America, since his movie is coming out shortly.


And the winner is.... TGE! Congrats! :) Captain America it is! :)