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Hello patrons!

Hope you've had a good end of the year!

Mine wasn't so great. For those of you who might not know, I'm a frontline worker in a hospital in England so, as you can imagine, this last month has just been absolute chaos so December was not exactly the break I was hoping for.

I am back to drawing though, so things around here at least should be back to normal.

Thank you very much for your support and patience! I really really appreciate it!

Cheers! X




Thanks for all you do out there and here! ♥


Oh my God had no idea you were 1) in the UK or 2) a frontline worker. Thanks for all your service. Selfishly, I'm glad to know you're back drawing again as I've missed your art. But I hope you're taking care of yourself too.


Whoah thanks for your service and glad you didn't catch it!