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The Request Box for this month is now open and will run till the last day of October.

To participate, leave a comment bellow with your request. Request can be as specific or as vague as you like. Keep in mind if if you ask for something crazy complex it's unlikely I'll pick it :P.

 A few rules:

-Requests must be of characters form a previously existing shows/games/comics/etc.

-No OCs or real people.

-No shota, though I can draw older versions of younger characters.

-Females are ok if that’s your thing.

-I reserve the right to refuse certain themes, though I’m not very fussy :P

Thank you for your support! :)

If you're pledging $5 You can post ONE comment bellow. I will disregard any other comments for the purposes of the request box.

If you're pledging $10 You can post THREE comments bellow. I will disregard any other comments for the purposes of the request box.

IMPORTANT: If you have donated more than $100 lifetime on my patreon and I haven't chosen one of your requests or art raffle entries yet, please send me a PM via patreon so we can work on that. :)



Caleb from Rose Guns Days!



Star Ringer

Well, since you did Kid Devil, and it's Halloween season, maybe his mentor, Blue Devil? He's had a few different costumes, but I'm fond of both his original, and his "bouncer" outfit from when he was in Shadowpact.


Since Dragalia Lost just came out, how about Hawk from that game?


An older mowgli, with some kaa hypnosis please


Nightcrawler in his uniform at the X-School urinal.


Tuxedo Mask holding a rose in his cape and mask with no shirt or pants.


Spike Spiegel moping on the couch in the buff with a cigarette.


Would love to see an 18+ Peter Pan or Fry from Futurama

Kaz Council

While I await for Ike, how about his other half, Ranulf?