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thank you all for your support and patience for making this project grow to the vision i am fully committed to.


New Command | Half Life teaser short (Episode Three)

""RIMINDER"" this is a one man project thank you all for your support and patience for making this project grow to the vision i am fully committed to. Half-Life:Episode One | Black Mesa: https://youtu.be/X6iDd4wC3DU Half-Life:Episode Two | Unforeseen Consequences: https://youtu.be/VQQBVUg-qDg patreon: https://www.patreon.com/animux join me on discord : https://discord.gg/Wp5aah5Ymk social media: https://www.instagram.com/thisis_animux/


Alexandre Dominguez

The curse of the number 3 in the Half Life saga is finally about to be lifted. By the way, just to let you know, normally episode 3 is supposed to show us the Office Complex chapter, but in this teaser the scene shown seems to take place during chapter 4 We've Got Hostiles (yeah, I've played Half Life so much that I know the game and what happens in each chapter by heart lol), so does that mean you're going to mix the events of the two chapters for a smoother narrative? And also the fact that at the end of the teaser we see Gordon's helmet on Xen, does that mean we'll be treated to scenes from the Vortigaunt side? Personally, I think it would be great, but I'm just a spectator, you're the Man of Art my friend.


thank you so much Alex i just posted an update to confirm about this go check it out