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When I started this patreon page here I didn't thought long enough about the goals and rewards I'm offering to my patrons and just put some things here which I thought it would make sense.

But now I feel like (and actually see it) the rewards are not that good. Instead of thinking about what could be the best I will give YOU the chance to decide and chose better and more rewards. So if you have any ideas how it could be more rewarding for you (the milestone goals as well as the reached ones and the pledging tier) I would like to hear it.

Please comment this post, so everyone can be involved and discuss about it.




Tbh I'm quite satisfied but that may be biased due to being at the top tier pledge, perhaps you could introduce a raffle commission system on a bi-monthly basis for all patrons excluding the $40 ones since we already get a guaranteed commission every month?

Bob Vila Senior

I'd be all for a vote of some kind. What character(s) to do, what things are going on, etc. Doesn't really matter to me if the ideas are coming from you and it's multiple choice or if it's user suggested. I mean any day I see a good Lulu or Elizabeth from you is a good one! Love your work, keep it up!


The problem with a voting system is that the minority usually won't get their stuff ever. With raffles such as mentioned before everyone would get a chance.


Separate short cum shot animations to go with the animated loops as a Milestone goal. Seeing Momiji's face getting plastered with cum with that last p.o.v one you did would have been amazing to say the least. Also think the raffle is a decent idea.


I don't like the current cumshot effects available in sfm. Still images would be no problem though maybe I will give animated ones a try too with some tests.


Sound gifs and flash game!


Ever consider making alternate renders with different body groups on the models? I know some people prefer full nudes while others like me prefer to see characters wearing at least some of their iconic costumes. You could make access to these alternate renders a Tiered patron reward.


Currently not possible with the time I'm able to work on anything.


I prefer to see some bits of their usual outfit too, but I only render more if I'm asked to do so. Also you suggest to build paywalls?


Maybe more of the $40 if you can balance that animations with your normal works. Perhaps the higher one that could make a mini-movie with a few animations and angles.

Sock Chan

You could always put up a poll every couple of weeks for the people who pledge any amount and have them vote on what they'd prefer to see.


If you hit a certain goal, (say, 400-500?) start converting all your dog bestiality animations so they can added into skyrim, and since fallout 4 will use a tweeked engine used for skyrim, they can then be used in fallout 4 since the main character can be female and you get a dog companion right off the bat :)


Unfortunately I'm already on my limit now. With the raffles (not started yet) I create up to 8 animations per month already. Not much time for more.


As much as I would like to do this, I don't think this will be that easy. I probably would have to learn how to do animations for Skyrim and create everything from scratch again.


You could add in a milestone for upgrading your PC to shorten render times.


I rather would like to add milestone goals with rewards and extras for patrons/everyone.


time 2 think about new goal :^]


How about, private models made from a good modeler so that people can request better/more models of people/things that aren't on SFM yet? I've been requesting all these Lulu animations, would be nice to see her fucked by something from the FFX universe. I'm Looking at you, Ifrit/Yojimbo's dog.


Loving the Lulu Stuff!!! 9/10