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True, it's only one thing for June this year, but it was fairly substantial enough to warrant one, I would say. For my drawn animation piece, I wanted to provide two things; one, a full-sized GIF looping animation for your perusal/pleasure. (I drew it in a 1920 x 1080 resolution. A deliberate limitation in order to save my RAM and sanity) and two, PNGs of individual frames should you wish to put this in a video! 

As a note, those frames are meant to be played at 24fps - I decided to animate in twos, that is, a change in the animation once every two frames. Not the smoothest I know, but allowed me to concentrate more on posing. My tweening still needs work, but hey, with how I am right now, the only way is up.

Thank you very much again for your continued support. I do look forward to trying more different things too (as an example, in Halloween last year, I ended up doing what's more or less an arts-and-crafts project!)



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